standing up for myself

20 december 2018 - Naxxar, Malta

today was my last day on second floor. I was with a new orientation nurse. he was walking with me and the nurse because he needs to learn about the department. I could't give out medication because he wanted to do that. He did some things wrong and I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't because i didn't want to be rude to a graduated nurse. the nurse did see it and corrected him. So I did parameters after a while because i felt just hopelessly walking behind them. At some point he took it over from me because he wanted to do that. I let him because I thought it would be good for him to learn about the clients. I gave out some of the medication that were left and did some wound care. I wanted to remove the clips from a patient who had a surgery, but when I came back from the dressing he and the nurse went without me. I felt so lost an bit let down because I kept trying to be considered. but at some point I said enough to myself. that is when this happens:

The nurse forgot to do the dressing of miss S. so i said I would do it. S has a head wound that had stitches(I removed them yesterday). S can not speak English or Maltese because she speaks Albanian. I usually try to talk to her with google translate, gestures and small English words that she knows. The head nurse decided that he(orientie) should come with me to learn from it. When we went to S I started cleaning her wound. all of a sudden he started doing things on his own without consulting with me. He rubbed the wound open. I looked at it and said that he should wait for me because I was getting the wound closers ( I couldn't  find them in the wound care trolley). After I got back he practically took it out of my hands. I was so shocked and angry and I wanted to say a lot of things to him that frustrated me and some thing you are not allowed to say hahaha. But instead I asked him nicely if he knew how to use them. Like all the things he did today he didn't have a clue how to do it. I asked them back polity and finished the wound care. I explained him how they worked and what happens when you rub a wound. He seem to listen to me, and for the rest of the day he continued doing so.

I was happy that i could stand up for myself in a way  that was still polite and didn't completely shatter is self esteem. It was a small victory for me.

2 Reacties

  1. Femke:
    20 december 2018
    HI Elanur,

    dat is soms ook lastig feedback geven in het buitenland. Heb je dit al wel eens gedaan? Of wordt dit niet geaccepteerd. (gaat over het eerste gedeelte)
    wat creatief van je om google translate te gebruiken.

    2e deel, dat heb je goed aangepakt, zo heb je laten zien dat je weet hoe, wat waarom je dingen doet. En wat goed dat hij daarna is omgedraaid. Een mooi compliment voor jou.
    fijne feestdagen!! Heb je 2 weken vakantie?
  2. Elanur:
    28 januari 2019
    ik heb wel eens gevraagd om feedback maar dna breng ik mensen in verlegenheid. Ze vinden het hier heel moeilijk om eerlijk te zijn of iets te zeggen wat verkeerd opgevat kan worden.